Meliza’s WORTHY Holiday Gift Guide


Note from Meliza:

I can’t believe the holidays are upon us already! And of course, with this time of the year comes the opportunity to extend our generosity and care through gifting. Personally, I love to gift my friends and family with experiences and health and wellness-based gifts. This year is no different, and I’ve curated a few of my absolute favorite things, some I’ve used for years, and others I recently discovered. I hope that you find this guide helpful in gifting your beloveds with products and experiences in the spirit of good health!

Oura Ring: Advanced Sleep Tracking for Optimal Health

Oura Ring: Advanced Sleep Tracking for Optimal Health

First on our list is the Oura Ring. This state-of-the-art sleep tracker is an exceptional tool for monitoring your overall health, offering in-depth insights into your sleep patterns, heart rate variability, and daily activity levels. Beyond tracking, it empowers you with personalized guidance to improve your sleep quality and manage stress effectively.

Use this link to enjoy a $40 discount on any Oura ring, a perfect gift to promote a healthier lifestyle.

Lifeforce Membership: Comprehensive Health Support

Lifeforce Membership: Comprehensive Health Support

Consider gifting a membership to Lifeforce, a pioneering FX med platform. Lifeforce offers comprehensive health support with quarterly blood tests included in their membership. These tests provide invaluable insights into your health status, enabling targeted interventions for optimal wellness. Plus, enjoy unlimited access to health coaching sessions, a boon for those looking to make significant lifestyle changes. Meliza herself uses Lifeforce for her supplements, a testament to their quality. Discover more at

Primal Gourmet Cookbook: Nourishing Recipes for Better Health

Primal Gourmet Cookbook: Nourishing Recipes for Better Health

For the culinary enthusiasts, the Primal Gourmet Cookbook is an excellent choice. It’s brimming with whole 30 and paleo-friendly recipes, encouraging a shift towards wholesome, whole-foods-based cooking. It’s not just a cookbook; it’s a guide to better health through mindful eating. These recipes are really family friendly, and absolutely delicious!

Mark Hyman's Food: What the Heck Should I Cook?

Mark Hyman’s Food: What the Heck Should I Cook?

Another must-have for health-conscious home cooks is Mark Hyman’s “Food: What the Heck Should I Cook?” Filled with Wholefoods based, Pegan diet recipes, this book inspires you to create meals that are as nutritious as they are delicious. It’s a gift that keeps on giving, meal after meal.

WORTHY Gift card

WORTHY Gift Cards: The Gift of Transformational Experience

The gift of experience is priceless. With WORTHY gift cards, your loved ones can explore our diverse range of science-backed wellness services. Whether it’s a rejuvenating Cryoskin facial, an infrared sauna session, or a guided cold-plunging session, our gift cards open up a world of wellness opportunities. Shop gift cards here.

To Be Magnetic: Unleash Your Potential

To Be Magnetic: Unleash Your Potential

Lastly, we recommend To Be Magnetic, an innovative neuro-hypnosis platform. This powerful tool employs breath work and hypnosis techniques to help manifest your most authentic self. By integrating trauma work and understanding conditioning, it aids in overcoming personal obstacles, paving the way for growth. Use the code MELIZA for a 15% discount at To Be Magnetic.

This New Year, prioritize your wellness journey. With these carefully curated gifts, you can embark on a path of renewal and growth, feeling revitalized, focused, and ready to face the year ahead with newfound vigor.

Give the gift of health and wellness, because you and your loved ones are truly WORTHY.

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