
Non-invasive slimming technology to help you shape the body you want.

Cryoskin 4.0 is a safe, soothing, non-invasive cosmetic service that utilizes a temperature-controlled massage wand to promote a slimmer, more toned appearance.

How does Cryoskin work?

Cryoskin destroys fat cells, eliminates cellulite, and slows down aging. Its handheld system is controlled electronically, optimizing the temperature with each minute of Cryoskin treatment. While the length of the Cryoskin session may vary, most range from 20–40 minutes. Whether one goes for Cyroskin treatment, the session will be broken down into three phases. First, the skin will be exposed to heat for about four minutes in around 40 degrees Celsius and will then be exposed to cold 24 minutes or longer at -8 degrees Celsius across the area being treated. Cryoskin treatment aims to lower the temperature of fat cells within the treated area, destroying them enough without harming the surrounding tissue.

How does it work?

The treatment is painless, and many people find it feels like a gentle massage. The temperature changes tend to feel subtle, as the procedure begins by warming the skin before gradually decreasing in temperature. After completing a session, the destroyed fat cells will naturally pass through the lymphatic system over the next two weeks. Reports of Cryoskin say that the treatment averages a 20-25 percent permanent fat reduction in the treated area. As long as a healthy lifestyle is followed, results could be maintained long into the future. Minor improvements will be noticeable right away regarding timing, but the final results become visible over two to three weeks.

What are the benefits of Cryoskin?

Cryoskin treatments offer three main benefits: toning, slimming, and skin rejuvenation.
  • Toning happens due to thermal shock, which delivers immediately, improving circulation and producing healthy collagen. Even one Cryoskin toning session can have anti-aging effects visible to the naked eye.
  • Slimming occurs by freezing fat cells, targeting those areas mentioned above. When those fat cells go below freezing, they undergo cell death and get absorbed by your lymphatic system. This is a natural, non-intrusive way of losing fat instantly.
  • Skin rejuvenation happens due to decreased cellulite, smaller/closed pores, improved circulation, and stretch mark reduction. This is considered an overall benefit of Cryotherapy in general and will result whether you book a slimming or toning session.

How quickly will I see results with Cryoskin?

The first results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging, however at least 5 sessions are typically recommended. 

CryoSlimming®​ | CryoToning®​ | CryoFacial


CryoSlimming® uses the application of alternating heat and cold temperatures in order to stimulate and encourage the natural process of releasing fat cells through the lymphatic system. The massage wand is applied using a specialized technique in a localized area.

It reduces the number of fat cells in a treated area(s) for inch loss on localized areas such as the stomach, thighs or love handles. Using sub-zero temperatures to destroy fat storage cells, a process known as cryolipolysis, we are able to achieve measurable results with fat reduction.

CryoSlimming uses thermoelectric cooling to freeze fat, causing the cell death of subcutaneous fat tissue without damage to the overlying skin. The destroyed cells then pass naturally through your body’s lymphatic system over the next several weeks and months. Following up with activities like exercise and ample water intake are advised to help this process along.


CryoToning® uses cold massage to smooth, lift, and firm skin, reduce the appearance of imperfections, and improve the skin’s overall texture and appearance. It improves micro-circulation and boosts collagen production for reduced appearance of cellulite and other anti-aging benefits.

A CryoToning® treatment is performed with a slightly different technique than a Slimming session. CryoToning® helps diminish the appearance of cellulite and offers nearly immediately visible results. By improving the circulation of fresh, oxygenated blood to the treated area, collagen production is improved. The collagen thus brings elasticity and toning to the skin and makes it possible to visibly and durably combat sagging, loose skin and other signs of skin aging.

Cryo Facial

CryoFacials use cold temperatures to increase blood flow and oxygen, which helps to reduce the signs of aging while also providing brightening, contouring, and lifting. CryoFacials are a natural, non-invasive way to look younger and more radiant.

They gently improves micro-circulation in the skin on the face, neck and decolletage area for a boost in collagen production and to fight signs of aging.

The CryoFacial is a special CryoToning treatment gently applied to the face. Also called “The Instant Facelift,” this treatment exposes skin to alternating warm and cold temperatures, resulting in increased circulation. This delivers oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood flow to skin cells thus boosting the production of collagen and elastin, two vital proteins which make up skin and give it that bouncy, elastic quality. Results are seen immediately, but this service is best enjoyed in a series.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Cryoskin

The device is very safe. The cooling system is controlled by an electronic temperature sensor located in the processing head of the device and the temperature is controlled in real time by a curve and figures displayed in real time on the screen. In the event of a malfunction, the device alerts the operator by sounding a tone and displaying an error message.
It depends on the treatment type. The Cryoskin 4.0 comes with 38 different preset programs and a manual treatment head. The average session takes about 40 minutes.
The machine itself functions by a Peltier effect (thermoelectric cooling) regulated by a hydraulic system which ensures a very high inertia which is necessary for the correct application of the treatment in a minimum amount of time. These characteristics, which are very difficult to obtain, make it possible to enact a very rapid cooling of the fat tissues while avoiding the risk of lesions of the skin tissue due to an application that is too long. The principle of the treatment is to lower the temperature of the fat cells enough to cause what is called the phenomenon of apoptosis. This phenomenon is triggered when the temperature of the fat tissues is between 17° and 12° and consists of a self-programming of the death of these cells.
The machine itself functions by a Peltier effect (thermoelectric cooling) regulated by a hydraulic system which ensures a very high inertia which is necessary for the correct application of the treatment in a minimum amount of time. These characteristics, which are very difficult to obtain, make it possible to enact a very rapid cooling of the fat tissues while avoiding the risk of lesions of the skin tissue due to an application that is too long. The principle of the treatment is to lower the temperature of the fat cells enough to cause what is called the phenomenon of apoptosis. This phenomenon is triggered when the temperature of the fat tissues is between 17° and 12° and consists of a self-programming of the death of these cells.
The major benefit sought is a decrease in fat mass. It must not be forgotten that the apparatus is not only capable of emitting cold, but also heat and causing the two to alternate, thus causing “thermal shock”. This method of thermal shock is particularly restorative for tissues by a significant increase of local microcirculation and collagen.
The feeling is rather pleasant at the start of the treatment, which is generally done with a short period of skin warming and a gradual but rapid decrease of the temperature. At the end of the treatment, the thermal shock appears very quickly, which gives a feeling of warmth and lightness at the same time.
The usual frequency is 1 treatment every 15 days (for slimming treatments). There is a physiological reason for this: when apoptosis occurs and fat cells die, waste is formed. This will be eliminated by natural routes (blood, lymphatic system, and then urine). Metabolism must, therefore, be allowed to evacuate this waste without overloading the circuits. Toning treatments can be performed once every week.

For clients under 45: 1x per week for first 5 sessions, then maintain as needed
For clients over 45: 1x per 3-4 days for first 5 sessions, then maintain as needed

Before and after care instructions for Cryoskin

  1. Avoid eating sugar or carbohydrates of any kind 2-3 hours before and after a CryoSlimming session.
  2. If possible, avoid all sugars for 4-5 hours before and after your session. (2 hours is the minimum.) This applies to all carbohydrates including pasta, rice, bread, cereals and fruit. The reason for this is that the cold weakens and retracts the adipocyte (fat storage cell). Consuming sugar may return immediate energy to these cells, thus interrupting the process of cell death or making it less efficient.
  3. The lymphatic system takes 15 takes to complete an entire cycle. Please support your system to do its job effectively during this time by drinking plenty of water. Other activities which support the lymphatic system can be helpful such as lymphatic massage or an infrared sauna.
  4. Please wait 72 hours after CryoSlimming to use a sauna or tanning bed.
  5. Avoid exercise directly before a session. It will be harder to effectively cool the body if you come straight from a heavy workout.
  6. CryoSkin technology is based on science that works with your body’s natural systems. Using sub-zero temperatures to destroy fat cells, a process known as cryolipolysis, we are able to achieve visible body contouring results. The destroyed cells then pass naturally through your body’s lymphatic system over the next two weeks. Following up with healthy lifestyle choices will ensure you can enjoy the benefits of your treatment long term.

Before and After CryoSlimming®

Before and After CryoToning®

Before and After CryoFacial

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