Infrared Sauna

Infrared Sauna Benefits and Disadvantages

Sauna therapy is nothing new and people have been using it for hundreds of years. It is a popular health and wellness practice that offers various benefits. Many athletes frequent the sauna and include it in their recovery process. Over the years, there have been various advancements such as the development of the infrared sauna.

Infrared saunas are similar to traditional saunas in regards to how they are designed but the main difference between traditional saunas and infrared saunas is how they increase the body’s temperature. Traditional saunas use heated rocks or heaters that increase the ambient temperature while infrared saunas use infrared heaters to warm your body directly.

This allows infrared saunas to penetrate the body and increase the thermal energy by creating dry heat and thus using a lower temperature than most other steam saunas. This makes them highly effective as the body being heated directly induces a deep sweat. While infrared saunas offer various benefits, some sauna users feel that traditional saunas are better as infrared saunas also have some downsides.

Advantages of Infrared Sauna

Better Sleep

Users who frequently visit infrared saunas claim that they have noticed an improvement in their sleeping pattern. People who suffer from sleep disturbances reported that they are able to sleep better and that infrared saunas illicit better sleep. This can be due to how infrared radiation penetrates deep into the skin cells and as your body experiences a temperature change when you get out of the sauna, the brain releases greater amounts of melatonin. Melatonin is a sleep hormone that is produced naturally in the body.

Lower Heat and Temperature

Due to how the infrared radiation technology works, infrared saunas usually operate at a lower temperature as compared to traditional saunas that have a higher ambient temperature. Most traditional saunas have their temperature between 150 and 180 degrees F, while infrared saunas usually operate at between 120 and 140 degrees F. Infrared saunas are ideal for people who want to reap the rewards to heat therapy but are unable to stand high temperatures.

Less Pain

One of the key advantages of using saunas is the pain relief that comes from heat therapy. It has been found that infrared saunas are significantly better and help with the management of chronic and regional pain. Using infrared saunas can help alleviate joint and muscle pain that is caused by disorders or diseases like arthritis, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, and fibromyalgia. Additionally, heat therapy from saunas can also help with muscle strains, sprains, and general stiffness and soreness.

Clearer Skin

When you step into a sauna, the goal is to sweat as much as possible to help the body flush out and get rid of the toxins that are trapped in the pores of the skin. As infrared saunas induce more sweating in bodies, it can help users to achieve clearer skin as their pores get unclogged when they sweat.

Disadvantages of Infrared Sauna

Dry Heat

One of the biggest and most notable downsides of choosing infrared saunas over traditional saunas lies is how infrared saunas operate. Since the infrared saunas use infrared technology to heat up the body, infrared saunas tend to be much drier than traditional saunas that use steam to heat up the body and the ambient temperature. Excessive use and extreme temperatures can also cause overheating and even dehydration in some cases.

Dry Skin

Not every person experiences the same results after their time in the sauna. Some people benefit greatly as spending time in saunas improves their skin while others find that their skin in getting drier due to the dry heat that infrared saunas produce to heat up the body. If this is something you experience, make sure to moisturize before and after the sauna session and try to find a moisturizer that does not block the pores of your skin.

Health Issues

As mentioned above, each person has a different experience in a sauna as their body reacts differently to the heat. While there are many advantages that can be availed by using a sauna, some people can find that their health is being affected adversely due to the dry heat generated by infrared saunas. Major issues amongst these can include cardiovascular issues and hypotension.

Infrared saunas are a modern type of sauna that uses a new technology to achieve the same effect as traditional saunas. However, due to the method of heating being different, there are some upsides and some downsides to using infrared saunas. While some users find their experience to be great, others might notice that their health is being adversely affected and an infrared sauna might not be best suited for them. If you are looking for infrared therapy then you can find easily infrared sauna therapy near me to get therapy to your nearby area.

How often to use infrared sauna?

Most people are unsure about how often to use infrared sauna. While usage varies from person to person, the majority of facilities that offer infrared saunas recommend that people use it three or four days a week. Not everyone’s tolerance is the same so be sure to take a break if you feel headaches or disoriented after a sauna session.

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